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Showing posts from October, 2018

Reflecting on the 2nd Quarter

The 2nd quarter has just finished and it's time for another reflection. 2nd Quarter was very hectic. I'm not gonna lie, it was hard to keep up. There were times where I wanted to give up, but I still moved forward. I feel very relieved that the 2nd Quarter is over, and I'm glad that I've learned a lot this quarter. Learning about basic web design was great. It's not as challenging as I thought it would be, and I adapted to learning it pretty quickly. I wanted to learn about this a long time ago, I just didn't know where to start. I'm glad that we had this topic for the 2nd quarter. Though it was hard, I got past the 2nd Quarter unscatthed. It was really hard not to give up, but I did it. Hopefully, 3rd Quarter's gonna be a bit easier.

Untapped Potential Reached Through Tech

Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements. This is the theme for this year's Science Month. They call it "Wavefront." It is quite often that we see technology. We even own such pieces ourselves, like our phones, laptops, etc. We all use these tech for different things, but what if I told you that we can use these tech to improve? We all have the power to enhance ourselves using tech. It's no secret that we can. We just don't realize that. Potential can be accentuated by activating technological advancements. By using tech, we can sharpen our potentials and make them tapped. Tech has given a big opportunity to improve ourselves, the question is, are you taking it?

Poverty Violates Human Rights

"Coming together with those furthest behind build an inclusive world of universal rights and dignity" Rights; perhaps one of the most controversial topics that we have ever had. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is important to recall the fundamental connection between extreme poverty and human rights, and that people living in poverty are disproportionately affected by many human rights violations. This year, the UN is looking to put a stop to global poverty. When I was reading about the theme on the website, it was quite interesting. Mr. Joseph Wresinski is one of the few people who has connected human rights and poverty. He appealed to the Human Rights Commission to examine the question of extreme poverty and human rights and eloquently captured the connection between human rights and extreme poverty with this :  “Wherever men and women are condemned to live in extreme pove...

Teachers Need Love Too

Teachers' Day, the day where we make our beloved teachers feel truly special. Don't they deserve it, after everything they've done to former students and to us? Of course. Every human, including teachers, deserve happiness. But why do we need to show them appreciation? Isn't listening to what they say and saying "goodbye and thank you ma'am/sir" enough? Well, it's up to you. If you think that's enough, then I won't force you to do anything. For me, it's far from enough. Teachers need to be treated like they're royalty. They're really special. Imagine if teachers didn't exist. If teachers didn't exist, then other jobs would never exist too. Teachers are the reasons why there are architects, scientists, doctors, lawyers and every other important job out there. Yes, teachers are very strict and hard on you, but that's for your own good. Like or hate it, you have to realize that almost everything they're doing are no...